Monday 8 July 2024

U Boat crew 28mm

 So with our next game in mind we needed a group of German prizes for guessing what our Commandos will be trying to destroy during the new game..

So this "crew" started life as US Marines and German infantry. I removed/sanded the ammo pouches and all webbing... sanded any jackboots and added green stuff for the trouser bottoms and life jackets.  Then gave them new heads.

I printed out some German eagles at a scale/size so that I could attach to the boxes. My intention is to have the crew loading their boat - with a Captain onboard directing traffic. The uniforms are based on actual pictures of crew.

U Boat

The beard came out ok on the Captain...and of course deck crew wearing life jackets.
u boat crew

Some of the shore guys are the warlord metal again I cut the bases away...and mounted them on clear bases.

 The  blue top is colourful for us! LOL

We can re-use our Stalingrad vehicles (3d prints) for transport... the crates/boxes are removable from the vehicles and will become part of the "load the boat" game!

Hey ...put that Van Gogh back..! Schnell !

Clear bases for the HMGs and some dock items (boxes and barrel) and ammo boxes. 
These German Kriegsmarine figures were donated for the game by Gavin 
(p.s. if you wargame in Glasgow you know Gavin!). Cheers Gavin.

The lorry unloading crew...opening boxes to take into boat hatches.

So lots of German guys moving boxes...
These guys are re based.

So its getting there. We have lots more Germans (if needed) but I think more Commandos might be needed! But we will need to also think about location next...can anyone else hear the film/tv theme tune - Das Boot... here we go!


  1. Oh wow! Now totally invested as I have U-Boat hidden in the wardrobe of shame that needs to be brought into the light! These look great, love the chaps running off with the loot and the lifejackets look great!

    1. Thanks we need to think about the dock!
      Glad you liked get converting some of your guys over to crew! and blow the air tanks on that U boat ...get it on the surface / desk and get the paint out! ...schnell LOL
      Das Boot here we go!

  2. An interesting collection of figures- nicely animated and painted!
