Sunday 7 July 2024


Its been a while and we have taken this year away from displaying at the big Scottish war game shows  but are planning to return next year.

We are now preparing these guys for action.

I managed to pick up a "half made" set on e bay cheap but I quickly realise that the OLD Warlord Commando set (25 off) was well not quite up to what it should be...(the new sets have 30 off figures) 

So some of the ebay figures were already assembled on the usual bases - they had to be cut off as we prefer clear bases.

I used the tradition English uniform colour but half of the pre made guys had sterling's across their body as opposed to firing poses...? ( I actually think they may not be able to pose in firing positions?) so I chopped them! I used my US marine arms on some of them.

This gave them better poses. I think. But I had to sand their bodies to fit.


I made a sniper, 3 piat guys, 2 knee mortars and 2 brens. To the mortar guys I added boxes and shells in their hand.  The piat was never going to fit the hand in the sets provided. I don't see how any of the supplied arms would make an aiming figure. This is the old set and notably on the new set they have most of the weapons attached to hands on the sprue. 
I did liked the ropes and Bergan packs. They do look like they are well equipped. Again I used my spares...US Marine or infantry hands with the binoculars.

I added some straps to some  of the rifles with green stuff.

You can see how tricky it is to place these guys in the centre of the clear base....stop sliding around ! LOL (and that's with two paint bottles and blue tac supporting it).

The British uniform colour definitely needs a dry brush - otherwise dark mud and the detail disappears! 

To my surprise these guys came with no patches I might leave them or paint them later.

We are planning a raid style game... I might go for the new Warlord plastic pack (30 off) next.

and of course the Germans...see next post coming soon.


  1. You have managed to salvage these into a sizeable force. Lovely conversions and looking forward to hearing of the plans for the new adventure.

    1. Yeap avoid the old Warlord box of Commandos at all costs. I am thinking a couple of vickers teams and maybe more smg's....I have ordered the metal Assault Group Vickers gun, some Brens (cos the plastic ones break easily) and radios. So I think another plastic box (new ones) is needed.

  2. Nice looking lads GW- ready to cause mischief!

    1. and so they shall...LOL - see the German post today.
