Monday 8 July 2024

WW2 German Figure 1/16 scale

 So at Christmas I was given this model...its a great resin  1.16 scale figure - with great movement. So I thought I would give painting something bigger a go...I think he turned out ok. I have not painted in this scale for years. I really just wanted to test myself and the German patterns are the hardest for me to paint...So out came the camo paint pack and dotting tools.

A pea dot trouser and summer oak leaf smock and helmet cover.

Getting the actual pattern to work across the figure at this scale was a challenge. 
Even the helmet cover is based on an actual picture.

Achieving the correct amount of base colour spacing and then pattern was hard. 

He's not my usual wargame scale (28mm) and he was a challenge to a painting project (his gear colours are based on an actual uniform pictured in the Waffen Uniform Book).  But I don't think I will venture into this scale again.

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