Thursday 12 September 2024

28mm German Press Team

 So for the dock area I did some German propaganda troops filming the U-boat Captains at the dockside.

These guys have the camera and microphone. With maps and boxes creating the propaganda scene.
28mm German Press

I  also did a sentry box/check point.

Beer poster on the wall!  The lifebelt is a spare piece of mdf from the barrels.

and another type of beer poster on the might even be an empty barrel LOL

Friday 26 July 2024

28MM COMMANDO WW2 part 2

 So I did get another packet of the 28mm Warlord Games Commandos in plastic - only this time it was the new version.

So in total its now 55 guys (old pack 25 off and new one 30 off ).

Below: New ones at top - older version in berets at bottom
28mm commando

Below: So I have the original guys in berets...(older Warlord Games version).28mm commando

And the newer version (30 off) built using the cap comforter...I actually prefer these heads. They remind me of Airfix 1.72 scale...remember the kayak and ladders LOL. Anyway I think it was October 1942 when they moved to the green berets.

                                                    Below: Vickers k  gun on the right

The cap comforters look great.

I used Vallejo English Uniform

The new figure pack has a few Vickers K weapons which is great but it doesn't have any Stirling SMG? ... strange I thought. Apparently with a rate of fire faster than the German MG34. 

I also purchased in metal some heavy weapons ... 5 mortars, 5 Vickers water cooled HMG, and some radios (from Assault Group). I then used some of the new figures as crew/operators. 
28mm commando

Most of the new figures have the weapons already attached to the arms. So again I had to raid the USA bits box to get some arms!

28mm commando
I mixed them up ...some with packs some not. I placed the Bergans next to some of the crew teams.  I also added green stuff to the ammo belts.

28mm commando

I gave the original "beret guys" some Vickers and mortar support. I think this is a cheap and quick way of supplying heavy weapons to a squad.

The radios I stuck onto clear bases - I can choose to use these or not (that way I don't unnecessary lose figures if the radios are not used). If needed I can just place a figure beside them.

Below: Commando on clear single figure base on top of clear based radio...the base blends in nicely.

So as I was using up guys for crew I ended up with only one guy here..but as per the radio...I can place someone next to him if needed.

I still prefer the old comfort cap on the new pack (you get both beret and cap head sets). The new set has still not addressed the "lack of a firing piat" person. The piat is being moved/carried. I think Warlord may have taken the decision  - to not provide prone figures in this pack.Which is how the piat was generally fired. Shame.
But I should have done a guy with a grappling hook and a guy on a ladder lol...those Airfix Commandos fought well LOL

Monday 8 July 2024

WW2 German Figure 1/16 scale

 So at Christmas I was given this model...its a great resin  1.16 scale figure - with great movement. So I thought I would give painting something bigger a go...I think he turned out ok. I have not painted in this scale for years. I really just wanted to test myself and the German patterns are the hardest for me to paint...So out came the camo paint pack and dotting tools.

A pea dot trouser and summer oak leaf smock and helmet cover.

Getting the actual pattern to work across the figure at this scale was a challenge. 
Even the helmet cover is based on an actual picture.

Achieving the correct amount of base colour spacing and then pattern was hard. 

He's not my usual wargame scale (28mm) and he was a challenge to a painting project (his gear colours are based on an actual uniform pictured in the Waffen Uniform Book).  But I don't think I will venture into this scale again.

U Boat crew 28mm

 So with our next game in mind we needed a group of German prizes for guessing what our Commandos will be trying to destroy during the new game..

So this "crew" started life as US Marines and German infantry. I removed/sanded the ammo pouches and all webbing... sanded any jackboots and added green stuff for the trouser bottoms and life jackets.  Then gave them new heads.

I printed out some German eagles at a scale/size so that I could attach to the boxes. My intention is to have the crew loading their boat - with a Captain onboard directing traffic. The uniforms are based on actual pictures of crew.

U Boat

The beard came out ok on the Captain...and of course deck crew wearing life jackets.
u boat crew

Some of the shore guys are the warlord metal again I cut the bases away...and mounted them on clear bases.

 The  blue top is colourful for us! LOL

We can re-use our Stalingrad vehicles (3d prints) for transport... the crates/boxes are removable from the vehicles and will become part of the "load the boat" game!

Hey ...put that Van Gogh back..! Schnell !

Clear bases for the HMGs and some dock items (boxes and barrel) and ammo boxes. 
These German Kriegsmarine figures were donated for the game by Gavin 
(p.s. if you wargame in Glasgow you know Gavin!). Cheers Gavin.

The lorry unloading crew...opening boxes to take into boat hatches.

So lots of German guys moving boxes...
These guys are re based.

So its getting there. We have lots more Germans (if needed) but I think more Commandos might be needed! But we will need to also think about location next...can anyone else hear the film/tv theme tune - Das Boot... here we go!

Sunday 7 July 2024


Its been a while and we have taken this year away from displaying at the big Scottish war game shows  but are planning to return next year.

We are now preparing these guys for action.

I managed to pick up a "half made" set on e bay cheap but I quickly realise that the OLD Warlord Commando set (25 off) was well not quite up to what it should be...(the new sets have 30 off figures) 

So some of the ebay figures were already assembled on the usual bases - they had to be cut off as we prefer clear bases.

I used the tradition English uniform colour but half of the pre made guys had sterling's across their body as opposed to firing poses...? ( I actually think they may not be able to pose in firing positions?) so I chopped them! I used my US marine arms on some of them.

This gave them better poses. I think. But I had to sand their bodies to fit.


I made a sniper, 3 piat guys, 2 knee mortars and 2 brens. To the mortar guys I added boxes and shells in their hand.  The piat was never going to fit the hand in the sets provided. I don't see how any of the supplied arms would make an aiming figure. This is the old set and notably on the new set they have most of the weapons attached to hands on the sprue. 
I did liked the ropes and Bergan packs. They do look like they are well equipped. Again I used my spares...US Marine or infantry hands with the binoculars.

I added some straps to some  of the rifles with green stuff.

You can see how tricky it is to place these guys in the centre of the clear base....stop sliding around ! LOL (and that's with two paint bottles and blue tac supporting it).

The British uniform colour definitely needs a dry brush - otherwise dark mud and the detail disappears! 

To my surprise these guys came with no patches I might leave them or paint them later.

We are planning a raid style game... I might go for the new Warlord plastic pack (30 off) next.

and of course the Germans...see next post coming soon.