Here are some more Japanese Warlord Figures in action...for our Tarawa Game
(you can see our full video by clicking here... )
I have already built the standard pack (and we have two other packets incl. the Jap marines) and so we wanted something a little different from these figures. .
So this figure is actually an American head on an Imperial Japanese body...with a explosive pack. The other is a Russian head on an Imperial body.
I also thought a command post/section would come in handy
Did a an American Marine in combat with a Japanese guy - just to get some other poses for both models -
I just got fed up with the ordinary Japanese Imperial Army builds.
I also tried to do a Japanese pilot from green stuff, arms, head and legs, parachute and goggles.
I tried to get the flight suit and harness look. Warlord please sculp some pilots for us!!.
Ammo supply dump.
Type 98 Shi-Ke Artillery Tractor
I 3d printed this and then just added some boxes and then printed a sign for Ammo. The guys are just extra parts and green stuff.
3d printed a Soko Sagyo Ki (SS-Ki)
Its an engineering vehicle with three flamethrowers and HMG.
As i get to the end of the Jap figures - I wanted to use them slightly differently.. So I did an ammo dump with some guys unloading/moving crates..
But storage of this piece will be murder as its fragile
I also started to use up some of the Japanese spare parts for trenches etc.
With some trench damage markers...
I also printed some Kurogane Type 95 transport from Thingyverse.
Added a guy onto the back kneeing on an ammo box.