Thursday, 19 December 2024

28mm u boat crew

So as Christmas fast approaches I am hoping Santa brings me a U boat for our next game (doesn't everyone? LOL).

With that in mind....I did some special crew to sit on top of the u boat deck on a clear base. These guys needed tools and I found a ho-oo scale set that I was able to use for 28mm (i.e. a slightly large ho-oo is a small 28mm etc.).  So some of these tools I can use ...some not.

At the same time, I also took an idea from John Bonds war-gaming blog....he sparked my interest with a guy using a signal flare gun. Thanks John. This is ideal for this new game we are planning.
So when the flare goes off - "get back to the u boat".

So the u boat crew are made from Warlord Marines with green stuff (Kneadatite) around the boot gatter, and used as a life jacket. They have the grey weatherproof shell.

The guys below are loading a torpedo into the ship. The clear base can be removed when completed. Its just to add a bit of time trail to the game.

Torpedo is a 3d print. with a wooden dowel pole and spare mdf squares 

On the above pic... 
I have one more guy not in the picture ... he is holding the end of the pulley line and has wire coiled between his hands and landing at his feet.

The spanners look cool on the prone guys - I recommend these tools for any engineers etc.

                  I also got the free Wargame Illustrated German Fallschrimjager Winter sprue...


and decided to grind/file off the hood and and make it look like another Captain... standing on a box of Johnny Walker Whiskey (looted/confiscated). 
Still to dry brush his map bag...!

I think the bulky jacket and trousers fit the idea...
I googled the black leather captain u boat jackets (with a fur collar) and ended up with this guy.

So those German Fallschrimjager Winter guys can be other settings.
Now where is that whiskey glass! Cheers.

Wednesday, 9 October 2024


So after putting together the 28mm Commando land force...and putting some pictures on here - I had some comments (from the blog readers) and I had some more thoughts about my original inspiration - the old Airfix 1.72 guys .... they had boats and ladders! Now I have some 28mm ladders (but no boats) but I also assume commandos don't carry ladders on every operation especially on their kayak! So here is what I managed...and how I did it.

The end game...

28mm commando

Here is what I did...

So I got out the 3d printer and started experimenting with kayaks. I printed out a test piece and it looked ok. But I would also need crew for it.

So out came the bits box and I manged to find some spare heads and arms (some were from the Warlord US Marines).  I then rolled out some green stuff and began the process of making some crew.

They were a bit rough to start out... 

                             28mm commando

But this was the result -at this stage.

28mm commando

With some causality markers...a boat anchor/tie up point was added to the front using wire and a small drill.
28mm commando

A thread was added to the it and passed to the front position.
28mm commando

28mm commando
I still need some paddles- or we will be up that creek without one!

So the next stage was to blend the kayaks into the battle mats. So I got out a hot glue gun.

What I did was run a thin glue line along the bottom of the boat. Pulling the glue upwards with a cocktail stick as it drys...but not too much or it dulls the glossy effect.  I have tried gloss varnish, mod podge etc. but I have found this to work best for me.

Then it was onto dark blue, light blue and white the sea bits of it.

28mm commando

So that at a distance it hopefully appears to moving or swishing in the the sea.
28mm commando

28mm commando

So now for those paddles...from reference photos they seem to have used various shapes. 
So out came the green stuff and I sourced some wire at the correct gauge - then I began cutting up the wire.

This was going to be tricky and time consuming. Small batches and small amounts is the key. Its tricky to shape. and green stuff drys out quickly. But I am hoping its stronger that the usual putty mix. The wire has a plastic coating which took paint easily.

I placed the paddles under the boat on the causality markers.

So that's a big chunk now done! 

The boat race can begin lol.

I think the beach is that way!

mmm... I might print out some "sunk/overturned" boats... watch this space...

and here they are some destroyed kayaks as markers!

So that is the Commandos DONE!
Well apart from these...LOL

Get that guy to the Doc!

All done!

Sunday, 22 September 2024

28mm WW2 German guards

 I saw these (Wargames Atlantic German sentries) and thought a dog team might look good on the dock as a patrol but I only got one sprue .

All the figures were cut from the plastic puddle bases and re based on clear circles.

28mm check point


28mm sentry box
The figures are a good size to 28mm but the plastic material is a little softer than warlords.

The Kettenkraftrad was a free stl 3d print....but not the greatest quality. But as free stl gaming piece - I suppose ok. I might chop the drivers/riders head and replace it with a more detailed warlord one. 

28mm sentry box

"Lassie" looks a bit different. 
The design of the heads on the figure/ sprue - kind of make it less manoeuvrable. 
It leaves only one fixing position. Eyes front!

The pic below is before the helmet decals were applied. i need to extend his dog lead!

Might light up this guys cigarette for him...

So these will be useful as guards...

Thursday, 12 September 2024

28mm German Press Team

 So for the dock area I did some German propaganda troops filming the U-boat Captains at the dockside.

These guys have the camera and microphone. With maps and boxes creating the propaganda scene.
28mm German Press

I  also did a sentry box/check point.

Beer poster on the wall!  The lifebelt is a spare piece of mdf from the barrels.

and another type of beer poster on the might even be an empty barrel LOL

Friday, 26 July 2024

28MM COMMANDO WW2 part 2 OF 3

 So I did get another packet of the 28mm Warlord Games Commandos in plastic - only this time it was the new version.

So in total its now 55 guys (old pack 25 off and new one 30 off ).

Below: New ones at top - older version in berets at bottom
28mm commando

Below: So I have the original guys in berets...(older Warlord Games version).28mm commando

And the newer version (30 off) built using the cap comforter...I actually prefer these heads. They remind me of Airfix 1.72 scale...remember the kayak and ladders LOL. Anyway I think it was October 1942 when they moved to the green berets.

                                                    Below: Vickers k  gun on the right

The cap comforters look great.

I used Vallejo English Uniform

The new figure pack has a few Vickers K weapons which is great but it doesn't have any Stirling SMG? ... strange I thought. Apparently with a rate of fire faster than the German MG34. 

I also purchased in metal some heavy weapons ... 5 mortars, 5 Vickers water cooled HMG, and some radios (from Assault Group). I then used some of the new figures as crew/operators. 
28mm commando

Most of the new figures have the weapons already attached to the arms. So again I had to raid the USA bits box to get some arms!

28mm commando
I mixed them up ...some with packs some not. I placed the Bergans next to some of the crew teams.  I also added green stuff to the ammo belts.

28mm commando

I gave the original "beret guys" some Vickers and mortar support. I think this is a cheap and quick way of supplying heavy weapons to a squad.

The radios I stuck onto clear bases - I can choose to use these or not (that way I don't unnecessary lose figures if the radios are not used). If needed I can just place a figure beside them.

Below: Commando on clear single figure base on top of clear based radio...the base blends in nicely.

So as I was using up guys for crew I ended up with only one guy here..but as per the radio...I can place someone next to him if needed.

I still prefer the old comfort cap on the new pack (you get both beret and cap head sets). The new set has still not addressed the "lack of a firing piat" person. The piat is being moved/carried. I think Warlord may have taken the decision  - to not provide prone figures in this pack.Which is how the piat was generally fired. Shame.
But I should have done a guy with a grappling hook and a guy on a ladder lol...those Airfix Commandos fought well LOL